Shady Fortunes, Your New Favorite Read, Debuts August 20

Shady Fortunes

Rafe Donovan (not his real name) is a hunted man. For years, he’s stayed barely a step ahead of his pursuers. With his arrival on the Isle of Irrevera, however, he’s convinced his luck has changed. Not only is Irrevera remote, it’s difficult to get to – few ships are willing to brave the surrounding lake’s dangerous shoals to reach the island’s harbor. It’s so remote, in fact, that the island’s inhabitants dare to use magic openly, a detail that will surely help him to blend in. He’s been there six months without incident – a new record. Trusting in his newfound anonymity, he attends a local carnival and tries his luck at one of the games – one that promises a reward large enough to replenish his dwindling resources. If he wins, he expects he could live comfortably for a year. In Irrevera, though, things rarely turn out how one expects.

I’m delighted to finally bring Rafe’s tale into the light. This book has been simmering for years. Begun shortly after The Demon of Histlewick Downs was finished in 2014, the story has repeatedly taken a back seat to other priorities, such as moving across the country, learning a new career, publishing the Heiromancer Trilogy, and overcoming various other life obstacles. I hope you find its twists and turns to be worth the wait.

Be sure to subscribe to this blog (add email address and click the Subscribe button to the right of this post on this blog’s main page) if you’d like an email notification for when the paperback and ebook versions go live. I’ll be posting that information here as soon as it becomes available.

If you enjoy Shady Fortunes and think others would as well, please head over to Amazon and Goodreads (and any other platforms you visit) to leave a review, or even just a star rating. As I understand it, these platforms require a minimum number of ratings/reviews before a new book gains any visibility through their algorithms, so your feedback will be invaluable for getting Rafe’s story into other readers’ hands.

Happy reading, everyone!

