Shady Fortunes, Fifth in the Series, is Now Available!

Today Shady Fortunes (the standalone fifth book in the Dreamweaver Chronicles) went live on ( I’m proud of this one. As a fast-paced first-person narrative, it harkens back to the form and approach I used for The Demon of Histlewick Downs. It’s set during the same time period, too (about 40 years before the Trilogy). There, the similarities end – Demon and Fortunes lie on opposite ends of the character spectrum. While Flinch is young and naively optimistic, Rafe Donovan (not his real name) approaches his fate with a healthy dose of world-weary skepticism and a heaping side of snark.

As with all Dreamweaver Chronicles offerings, aspects of the infamous sorceress Dreamweaver’s legacy will play a key role in defining our heroes’ circumstances. But will they allow it to define them? Only one way to find out!

I would be remiss if I didn’t give a huge shout out to my editor (Jennifer Silva Redmond) and the person who did the bulk of the graphics work on the cover (Michael Curdie). Before Michael clued me in, I had no idea what Blender even was. Within the space of a couple days, Michael had rendered an entire 3D environment within that software environment, and for the cover art, we simply had to pick the correct point of view and let the image render. Worked like magic!

As always, if you read and enjoy any of these books, please take a moment to provide an honest rating and a review (Amazon and Goodreads carry the most oomph). Books need a certain number of reviews before Amazon’s algorithms take them seriously, so they’re vital for getting the word out.

As a reminder – The Demon of Histlewick Downs and Shady Fortunes are both standalone novels. By contrast, the Heiromancer Trilogy (Practical Phrendonics, A House of Cards, and Hanged Man’s Gambit) should be read in that order, since the trilogy makes up a single story.

Looking forward to hearing what you think!
